
by Viktor Amelin

Auto & Vehicles

7.99 usd

Attention! Before purchasing the application set FFConfigLite version to test the connection with cars.Connect to Ford Focus 2, C-Max, using ELM327 or ELS27 and you can work with the following modules that are connected to the CAN-bus:Engine block: Information on the module, reading, error reset, module reboot, reset the long-term fuel adjustment (KAM) for:ESU-411/418(1.8 125/2.0 145)SIM28/29(1.4 80/1.6 100/115)ESU-121(1.8 120/2.0 145).Dashboard: Information on the module, reading, reset errors, the module configuration, the module reboot, change the unit for the total mileage, mileage correction.-Brake control: Information on the module, reading, reset errors, the module configuration, the module reboot, DDS calibration reset, pumping the brakes.-Comfort module: Information on the module, reading, reset errors, the module configuration, the module reboot.-Safety module: Information on the module, reading, reset errors, the module configuration, the module reboot, reset crash data.-Transmission control module: information on the module, reading, reset errors, reset KAM.-Climate control module: information on the module, reading, error reset-Audio module: module information, reading, error reset, radio code definition (for M series).In order to fully use the application and gain access to more auto modules, you need to spend a little time and modify the adapter ELM327.To do this, set the switch as described here:Http://forffclub.narod.ru/index/0-2ELS27 can be purchased at: https://els27.ru/. For use the application via ELS27USB-set the speed 38400, for ELS27BT-2 000 000 using the utility ELS27 Baudrate.